
Say I Love You


‘Morning Mom.
How’d you know it was me?
We got new phones at work last week, finally have caller ID.
Sam, I just received some awful news..

She choked on her words as she began to cry.

Garrett was killed this morning.

Garrett and I grew up together. He lived across the street, and we shared a picturesque childhood. Our parents threw block parties, doors were left unlocked. Pictures of the two of us racing our Hot Wheels down our old street still hang on the wall of my parent’s home. When his family moved to Texas, mine flew down to visit. When they made their annual trips back up north, we vacationed with them. Garrett was the same age as my younger brother, born on the same day as my mom. Our families were incredibly close, and we stayed that way, even when distance separated us.

Since his deployment, my mom had been begging me to write Garrett a letter that she would include in one of the care packages she had been sending to Afghanistan. I stalled. I didn’t know what to say, and I deemed the mundane details of my day-to-day life unimportant. He was living in conditions far worse than I could ever imagine, fighting for the United States of America, and I was frustrated with my thirty minute commute to work.

I never sent a letter, and now I will never get a chance to.

So like many others who have lost loved ones will tell you, call simply to say hello. Don’t forget the power of ‘I love you‘. And even when you feel like you have nothing to say, send the letter.


  1. This has happened to me, only I was halfway through the long overdue letter when I got the call. It is the one thing I really, really regret in my life.

    This post made me so sad. I will never forgive myself for not saying it when I should have.

  2. I’m so sorry, love. These things are never easy and words never make it better. Thinking of you. XO

  3. I’m sorry, lady.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. This was a great reminder.

  5. Thinking of you. And I’m so, so sorry my country is at war. If I could envelope you in a big hug, I would do it in a heartbeat.

  6. Sending you love. xoxo

  7. aw i’m so so sorry. losing someone in war is never easy and i think you’re right that everyone needs a reminder or a letter or a phone call once in a while because saying i love you never hurts.

  8. My heart is breaking for you. Stay strong, and know that you’ll meet again one day. Love you, Sarah. XOXO

  9. i love you. you’ve been emailed back. xoxoxo

  10. So sorry. Keeping you and his family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I am so, so sorry. Sometimes there are no words… Just know that we’re all here for you. Thanks for reminding us how fleeting life is. Make every day count. Sending hugs & prayers. xo

  12. Big giant internet ::hugs:: for you hun. So sorry for this loss. I’m sure he knows you love him though, even if it was unsaid.

  13. Oh, hon. My heart goes out to you, your family and his. I know there are so words, but I am so, so sorry.

  14. I’m a new reader/twitter follower, but my heart hurts for you. My husband is getting ready for his third deployment and if I know anything, it’s that you never have enough chances to tell someone how much you love them.

  15. Oh, Sam, I’m so, so sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart for you, his family and all your friends. Major hugs, and let me know if there is anything I can do from here.

  16. I’m so sorry hun…I’ve never been through anything like this so can’t imagine the pain.
    Hope you’re coping

  17. Saw your comment a few ahead of mine leaving condolences for Cpl. Porto’s wife on her blog. So sorry you have to go through this. I lost a friend, Will, 8/17/07 in Iraq. It is a gut punch like nothing else and one that stays with you. I wish all of our friends could come back whole.

    That said, you have a moving, eloquent post here. My very best friend is a Marine and serving in Afghanistan right now. I sent another letter after reading this.

  18. Oh… this is so sad. I am so sorry. 😦

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